
How much does it cost to study in Malaysia?

As we mentioned in the earlier posts, Malaysia is one of the best countries for pursuing higher education abroad. It is also a great place to get standardized education at an affordable cost.

So, today we are going to discuss how much it costs to study in Malaysia for an international student. Please don’t forget to read this post until the end. We hope all these facts will be valuable to you. Our shortest answer to the cost of studying in Malaysia is that there’s no one-size-fits-all answer. The expenses vary based on several factors. Here we can give you a rough amount for the foundations, diplomas, degrees, and master programs.


What are the factors that determine the study cost in Malaysia?

Three major factors will influence your study costs in Malaysia:
1) The study program you are going to follow
2) The university or institute
3) Studying Stage (whether you are following a foundation, diploma, degree, or master’s in Malaysia)

If we roughly estimate the total cost of a foundation or diploma program in Malaysia, it would cost you around $3500 to $6,000 total. For the degrees (bachelor) and master programs (MSC/MBA), it costs you approximately 4000–5000 dollars annually or for a semester.

You should also always keep in mind that these costs can vary depending on the factors we mentioned earlier, as well as the costs we calculated after applying for our 50% scholarships. If you consider the cost without scholarships, it takes double the amount we mentioned.


What are the things included in the above expenses?

No matter what way you pursue higher education at a Malaysian university, you must pay for
1) EMGS Fee (fees for your visa process)
2) Security Bond Fee
3) Registration Fee
4) First-year university fees or semester fees

You should also note that our above-mentioned total cost includes EMGS, security bond, registration, and first-year fees (semester fees).

The cost of your study program can be seen on the offer letter when you receive it from the Malaysian university or institution to which you applied. We always encourage our students to pay their payments directly to the university itself. You don’t need to pay us as your Malaysian education consultant.


Other Things to Remember About the Student Cost in Malaysia

If you choose top study destinations like the USA, UK, Canada, New Zealand, or Australia, the study cost will be significantly lower when compared with the study cost in Malaysia. Annually, students have to pay between 30,000 and 40,000 USD for their studies at those destinations. If we come to study in Malaysia, it takes around 6,000 USD annually. The annual cost can also vary depending on your lifestyle and the area where you live in Malaysia.

The Malaysian government has allowed international students to work up to 20 hours per week. But they have some serious limits. Students cannot undertake jobs related to money, as well as some jobs like cleaning. Therefore, students need to research those jobs before they land in Malaysia. As an education consulting company, we won’t take responsibility for the part-time jobs and place them with the students.



Considering those things, we can indeed say Malaysia is a superb destination to get a world-class education at an affordable cost. If you are someone who considers cost-essential, then Malaysia is a great option for you.
At Agape Education, we are here to help you as your trusted Malaysian education consultant for international students. From the beginning, we will help you all until you settle in Malaysia.

For course fees, university fees, or any other details about the study cost in Malaysia, you can contact us directly.

Here are our Contact details:

Call: 071 781 2869
WhatsApp: +60 16354 2461

We also request that you register for our 100% FREE consultation session, where you can discuss most of your issues about studying in Malaysia while receiving all the information on how to select the best program in Malaysia, what the best university options are for you, etc.